Saturday, January 30, 2010

...There is no Time to resT...

salam fillah and hi everyone,
in this world, we saw many of us were busy with something that actually is not so important. most of adults including my abah were busy looking for money to continue our daily life. i admitted that the money is important but there is other things that we should pay attention. family. our muslims all over the world. the glory of ISLAM. ISLAM. ISLAM. ISLAM. i repeated for three times for u and me to remember this. we live in this world because of ALLAH. don't you ever forget that. if we not take ISLAM as the way of life, we will live in futile. many of us confessed that ' WE ARE MUSLIMS' , but shame of us we did not take ISLAM fully. remember this, ISLAM is a perfect religion.
:............ISLAM IS SYUMUL.................:...............ISLAM IS THE TRUTH RELIGION.............: